
Scope.$watch(name, callback, option)

Set the tracking variable. Also you can track system events, it returns object with method stop()


  • <expression> - Expression/model
  • <a function> - Track the result of the function, the function are called every iteration of $scan.
  • “$destroy” - Track a destroying scope
  • “$any” - Track a modifying any object
  • “$finishScan” - a callback is executed as soon as $scan finish work
  • “$finishBinding” - the callback is called when a binding process finishes, sample
  • “$finishScanOnce”


  • option = true or option.isArray = true - watch an array
  • option.init = true - Execute callback
  • option.readOnly = true - You can use it if the callback doesn’t modify the scope. (an optimization option).
  • option.deep = true - a deep comparison for the object.
  • option.isArray
  • option.OneTime
  • option.onStop

Optimization tip: If callback returns ‘$scanNoChanges’ then $scan will not run extra-loop (like readonly watch)

Scope.$compile(expression, option)

Compile an expression


  • option.input - list of input arguments
  • option.no_return - a function will not return any result (compile a statment)
  • option.string - result of method will convert to string
Example of $compile
 var scope = alight.Scope()
 var fn = scope.$compile('"hello " + title')
 scope.title = 'linux'
 fn() // return "hello linux"
 scope.title = 'macos'
 fn() // return "hello macos"
Example with input
 var fn = scope.$compile('title + v', { input:['v'] })
 fn(' X') // return "macos X"
Example with no_return
var fn = scope.$compile('title = v', { input:['v'], no_return:true })
fn('linux') // scope.title = "linux"


Execute an expression

Scope.$watchText(tpl, callback)

Track the template


Compile the template. Method is depricated (since v0.9)

Example with $complieText
var scope = alight.Scope()
var fn = scope.$compileText('Hello {{title}}!')
scope.title = 'linux'
fn() // return "Hello linux!"


Evalute the template. Method is depricated (since v0.9)


Create a child Scope, if isolate == true, then child scope will not be inherited from parent scope, if isolate == ‘root’ then it will be separate root scope.


Destroy the Scope.

Scope.$scan(callback or option)

Start the search for changes

  • callback - Method will be called when $scan finishes a work, even if $scan has already started from other a place.
  • option.callback - see above.
  • - Choose the root scope for current scanning (depricated).
  • option.late = (true/false) - If there is a few $scan commands, Angular Light will call only last one.
Example with $scan
var scope = alight.Scope()
scope.$watch('title', function(value) {
    console.log('title =', value)
}) // make observing
scope.title = 'new'
// print title = new
scope.title = 'linux'
// print title = linux
// do nothing


It the same as Scope.$scan({late: true, callback: callback})


Take the value of the variable, also you can use Scope.$eval

Scope.$setValue(name, value)

Set the value of the variable

Example with $setValue
scope.var = 1;
scope.path.var = 2;
scope.path[scope.key] = 3;

// equal
scope.$setValue('var', 1);
scope.$setValue('path.var', 2);
scope.$setValue('path[key]', 3);
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