Create Directives

Directives should be placed in alight.directives.prefix, you can choose any prefix, for example al-text ( ), bo-text ( ), also you can place your directives in scope.$ns.directives they will be private.

A hyphen should be changed to underscores, example: <input al-my-some-directive /> it will be in mySomeDirective

The prefixes are needed in order to be able to catch the lack of used directives. For example, if you use the directive “al-texta”, but it does not exists (a mistake in the name or js-file isn’t loaded), then aLight will throw an exception.

An example of directive al-text, the directive is called when the binding process comes to an DOM-element

Example of directive al-text = function(scope, element, expression, env) {
     // Track the given expression
     scope.$watch(expression, function(value) {
         // set a text to the DOM-element

Input arguments:

  • scope - current Scope
  • cd - change detector
  • element - element of DOM
  • name - value of attribute
  • env - access to different options
  • env. attrName - name of attribute (directive)
  • env. attributes - list of attributes
  • env. takeAttr(name, skip=true) - take a value of the attribute, if skip=true then the attribute will skip a binding process, sample
  • env. skippedAttr() - list of not active attributes
  • env. stopBinding = false - stop binding for child elements
  • env. changeDetector - access to ChangeDetector
  • env. parentChangeDetector - access to parent ChangeDetector (if scope was changed)

Attributes of directive:

  • priority - you can set priority for a directive
  • template - custom template
  • templateUrl - link to template
  • scope (false/true) - if it is true, there will be a new, empty scope
  • ChangeDetector (false/true/’root’) - create a new change detector
  • restrict = ‘A’, can be ‘AEM’, ‘A’ matches attribute name, ‘E’ matches element name, ‘M’ matches class name
  • link - the method is called after template, scope
  • init - the method is called when the directive is made, before template, scope. You usually need link instead of it.
  • stopBinding (false/true) - stop binding for child elements
  • anyAttr - you can make a custom attribute, look. directive preprocessor
Directives with attributes = {
     priority: -10,
     template: '<b></b>',
     stopBinding: true,
     link: function(scope, element, name, env) {

If “stopBinding” is true, then the process of binding will skip child DOM-elements, it is necessary for the directives which are themselves controlled subsidiary of DOM, such as al-repeat, al-controller, al-include, al-stop, etc.

When you try to bind the same element, you have to skip used directives, otherwise you will have a recursion problem. You can use option skip_attr: env.skippedAttr() for this, env.skippedAttr() gives you a list of used directives. = {
    stopBinding: true,
    link: function(scope, element, name, env) {
        alight.bind(scope, element, {
            skip_attr: env.skippedAttr()
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