
It lets you observe changes in your scope, it uses change detector.

Scope.$watch(name, callback, option)

Set the tracking variable. Also you can track system events, it returns object with method stop()


  • <expression> - Expression/model
  • <a function> - Track the result of the function, the function are called every iteration of $scan.
  • “$destroy” - Track a destroying scope
  • “$any” - Track a modifying any object
  • “$finishScan” - a callback is executed as soon as $scan finish work
  • “$finishBinding” - the callback is called when a binding process finishes, sample
  • “$finishScanOnce”
  • “$onScanOnce” - the callback is called in scan loop


The callback is called with two parameters. The first parameter contains the object after it has been changed, the second parameter contains the object before it has been changed. If the watched variable is not initialized, the second parameter is undefined.


  • option = true or option.isArray = true - watch an array
  • option.readOnly = true - You can use it if the callback doesn’t modify the scope. (an optimization option).
  • option.deep = true | integer - a deep comparison for the object, watches 10 hierarchy depth levels by default, as alternative an integer which contains the depth of levels to watch.
  • option.isArray
  • option.OneTime
  • option.onStop

Optimization tip: If callback returns ‘$scanNoChanges’ then $scan will not run extra-loop (like readonly watch)

Scope.$watchGroup(expression, callback)

Watches a group of expressions. There are two approaches which can be used:

  1. It returns a group object. You need to manually add more watcher objects to the group (Example).
  2. Use an array as expression and watch it’s items (Example).


  • array of <expressions> - items which will be watched


  • will be executed when any item of the watched group has been changed

Scope.$compile(expression, option)

Compile an expression


  • option.input - list of input arguments
  • option.no_return - a function will not return any result (compile a statment)
  • option.string - result of method will convert to string
Example of $compile
 var scope = alight.Scope();
 var fn = scope.$compile('"hello " + title')
 scope.title = 'linux'
 fn(scope) // return "hello linux"
 scope.title = 'macos'
 fn(scope) // return "hello macos"
Example with input
 var fn = scope.$compile('title + v', { input:['v'] })
 fn(scope, ' X') // return "macos X"
Example with no_return
var fn = scope.$compile('title = v', { input:['v'], no_return:true })
fn(scope, 'linux') // scope.title = "linux"


Execute an expression

Scope.$watchText(tpl, callback)

Track the template


Destroy the Scope.

Scope.$scan(callback or option)

Starts the search for changes, returns a watch statistic

  • callback - Method will be called when $scan finishes a work, even if $scan has already started from other a place.
  • option.callback - see above
  • option.skipWatch - skip specific watch
  • option.late = (true/false) - If there is a few $scan commands, Angular Light will call only last one.
Example with $scan
var scope = alight.Scope();
scope.$watch('title', function(value) {
    console.log('title =', value)
}); // make observing
scope.title = 'new'
// print title = new
scope.title = 'linux'
// print title = linux
// do nothing


Take the value of the variable, also you can use Scope.$eval

Scope.$setValue(name, value)

Set the value of the variable

Example with $setValue
var scope = {}
scope.var = 1;
scope.path.var = 2;
scope.path[scope.key] = 3;

// equal
var scope = alight.Scope();

scope.setValue('var', 1);
scope.setValue('path.var', 2);
scope.setValue('path[key]', 3);
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